Telehealth at Shelby Counseling Associates, PSC
Telehealth is beneficial for multiple reasons such as efficiency, flexibility, and convenience. We have 5 providers offering telehealth to current and new clients.
Mimi Welter, LCSW
Eddie Raidt, LPCC
Michelle Keller, LCSW
Dawn Finnell, LPCC, LCAC
Ashley Hall, LCSW
You can read about our providers here.
Telehealth Requirements
Clients must be located in the state of Kentucky during all telehealth sessions.
Clients must call the office before or after each session to pay co-pays/deductibles. We will invoice you the following day if we do not hear from you.
All telehealth will be video only using our HIPAA-compliant platform (links are below and can be saved as a bookmark or favorite for future use). You will need internet capabilities on the device you choose to use (phone, iPad, tablet, computer, etc.).
You may choose to come into the office at any time, notice is appreciated so we can be prepared.
A Telehealth Consent form is required.
If you meet the above criteria and would like to schedule an appointment please call our office at 502-254-8880 or send us an email.
Telehealth Links
Mimi Welter, LCSW:
Eddie Raidt, LPCC:
Michelle Keller, LCSW:
Dawn Finnell, LPCC:
Karen Miller, LCSW:
Ashley Hall, LCSW:
** These links can be saved to your device as a bookmark or favorite for future use **